Omkara productions, an occasion for students to showcase their knowledge and expertise in front of parents and art lovers alike, have been known for their originality, dynamism, creativity, music, choreography and vibrancy.  Each year, a new theme inspired by Hindu scriptures and mythology is explored, allowing students to delve deeper into the art form and uncover new nuances.

A few of the school’s past productions include:


Natya Shastra, a thematic presentation on the theory of Bharata Natyam
The Natya Shastra is a detailed treatise on which all classical dances and theatres in India are based.

Omkara’s production visually explored some of the theory found in the Natya Shastra such as ‘Ranga Puje’ – the honouring of the stage and installation of 8 cardinal guardian deities, ‘Ashta Nayikaas’ – the eight different types of heroines found in Hindu literature, ‘Karanas’ – the different types of codified body movements found in Bharatanatyam, ‘Hasta Vinyogas’ – the different hand gestures and their meanings, and ‘Nava Rasas’ – the nine emotions on which expressive dance is based.

Yatra, The Sacred Temples of South India
Yatra is a spiritual pilgrimage through dance, exploring the temples of South India and the adventures, virtues and qualities of their presiding deities. Through stories from Hindu mythology students explored the range of emotions associated with ‘Bhakti’ (Devotion), transporting audiences into a higher spiritual plane.
Sarvam Krishnan Mayam
This dance drama consisted of twelve distinct and captivating acts, each combining elements of drama, dance, and captivating music which told stories from the life of Lord Krishna, the Eternal Lover.
Nritta-Yoga Sammelana
A fusion of Bharatanatyam and Yoga, Nritta-Yoga Sammelana focuses on the breath – which is the root of all thought and movement. This breath, intrinsically spiritual, helps dancers with the challenges of Bharatanatyam, also known as Dynamic Yoga as it is combines movement and breath with music, mime and performance.

Through this production, Omkara students learnt how to incorporate Yoga Asanas into dances to ease the tensions that come with rigorous body work, resulting in a series of dances in which they showcased their mastery over the Yoga asanas.

Omkara School Of Indian Dance has has performed at many prestigious venues and charity events over the years including for:

KARANGAL, Association for Rural Development in India (Charity Organisation) | November 2012

REHA SWISS (Charity Organisation) | April 2012

WIPO (Inaugural Ceremony of the General Assembly) | October 2012


If you would like Omkara to perform at an event (charity or corporate) please write to  – we’d be happy to work with you.

“Mme Venkatesh a repondu a notre demande avec generosite et enthousiasme, manifestant son interet de soutenir le developpement rural aux femmes les plus defavorisees du Sud de l’Inde. Nous avons ete impressionne par ses capacities en tant que professeur de danse, son leadership, sa simplicite et son approche pratique, qu’elle a su nous demontrer durant l’organisation et la presentation de la soiree”

– Asha Simpson & Francoise Faure, KARANGAL, 8 Novembre 2012.

“L’Association Charles Rollier et la Commune de Chene-Bourg, en septembre 2013, on eu l’honneur de recevoir a la salle communale du Point Pavre, toute la compagnie OMKARA qui a presente un magnifique spectacle tres apprecie, a l’occasion du centenaire de Charles Rollier, artist peintre de Chene-Bourg decede on 1968 dont une Place porte son nom. Je recommande vivement a toutes les personnes concernees de prendre serieusement en consideration toute demande, requete ou projets en rapport avec l’ecole de danse OMKARA, proposes par Madame Sujatha Venkatesh ou de son entourage proche”

– Nancy Tikou-Rollier, LA JOIE DE PEINDRE, Septembre 2012.